Central Celebrates Concert

Music enthusiasts in Hamilton were treated to an unforgettable afternoon at the Orchestras Central Youth Showcase on the 19th August. This event featured three outstanding youth ensembles: Youth Orchestra Waikato, Te Rauhii, and WCSM Sinfonia. Each group brought their unique flair to the stage, working together to show us the future of music!

While each group brought their own pieces to the showcase, it was the three ensemble pieces that really stood out. Rehearsing together for the first time that morning, the performers exhibited their professionalism and ability to collaborate, working hard but filled with positivity and laughter. We were incredibly impressed with their willingness to give this a try, especially considering playing with a full orchestra was a completely new experience for a number of our students!

As we shared kai backstage before the performance, the Rauhii students got to know some of the musicians from other groups. It was fun to see some friendships start, all from a shared love of performing. Showcases such as these are not just about music – it’s about forming bonds, finding role models, and creating a more connected environment for these young musicians to thrive.

For the young musicians of Te Rauhii, the Orchestras Central Youth Showcase provided a great opportunity to perform on a professional stage at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts. For the audience, it proved the immense talent that lies within our local youth, waiting to be nurtured and celebrated.

The Orchestras Central Youth Showcase was a testament to the power of music to inspire, connect, and transform. With the Youth Orchestra Waikato, Te Rauhii, and WCSM Sinfonia performing together, it was clear that collaboration and celebration was at the heart of the event. We look forward to future performances!